Monday, March 1, 2010

monday. shitday.

All Mondays are bound to be shitty. This theory is engraved in every young mind from the day one starts kindergarten. It's the most dreaded day of the week. I even found myself hating Mondays when I was jobless nor in school. I spent my days sleeping in, going for long runs, and drinking coffee outside starbucks. I followed this routine throughout the whole week and if you would have caught me at any given time I probably wouldn't have been able to tell you the day of the week. However, once I was reminded it was Monday, I fell into a slump. Mondays just brought attention to the fact that I was no longer a student, and an unemployed non-student at that. There I was sippin' on the $5.00 latte I couldn't afford while the rest of the world was out working or in sitting inside a classroom. Well, not the whole world. I realize there are far too many couch potatoes out there, but you get my point. I was a lazy bum. I hated the reputation I created for myself, but in retrospect, was also content with my carefree lifestyle. Even now being employed, I'm still apprehensive whenever Mondays rolls around. When I was in college I had a 8:00 am Sociology lecture on Monday mornings. Again, it was the least favorite part of my week. Mondays are just not meant to be satisfying.

The average life expectancy of a female in the United States is 79.1 years. Now, my grandmother is 81 years old, so clearly my family genes defy those statistics. But lets say I live to be 79.1-years-old. That means, say August(ish) 2068, you read in the headlines of your local newspaper (or on your msn homepage assuming newspapers will be obsolete by that time) that a 79-year-old woman dies in a freak hang gliding accident. (c'mon, if you think i'm going to go simply on my deathbed, you are sadly mistaken.) By my dying day, which I bet you will take place on a Monday, I will have lived approximately 4,124 grueling Mondays throughout my entire lifespan. Four thousand, one hundred twenty four Mondays. About a quarter of those I have already experienced. Enough experience to know Mondays usually suck.

I think we can all agree that Mondays are no ones favorite, but lets face it...they occupy 1/7 of your life! From here on out, I vow to do something every Monday that makes me happy. Something that gives me a reason to look forward to that day. I don't need a reason to hate a day before my alarm has gone off. Can I get an amen?


  1. You should write a book with journal entries like these. I'd buy it. And not even sell it back to Half Price Books when I'm broke. I'd be like I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, only less sex and booze. loooooove you Fishy

  2. good thing that show you like is on mondays!
