Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just call me Dorothy.

Every female Kansan will forever be cursed with the reputation as Dorothy. I carry this annoying misfortune every place I move to. It's hard to go anywhere or meet anyone without getting a cliche' "Wizard of Oz" joke thrown back in my face.

"You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy."
"Did you bring your dog Toto with you?"
"Is there really no place like home?"
"If you click your heals together will you be back home in KS?"
"What is really over the rainbow?"
"Did a tornado blow you here?"
"Did Dorthy ever make it back?"
"Did you wander off the yellow brick road?"

I have heard them all. Far to many to even digest.

Urgh. I mean, do these people really think they are clever? They all spit out the same lines to me and it's hard not to respond without rolling my eyes. I usually throw out a fake laugh and say "yeah, never heard that one before." I do find amusement though in watching their expression when they say it. They are so proud as if they are the world's funniest comedian bottling up their best joke, waiting for the prime moment to release it. I take it most Alaskans/Montanans don't come in contact with many Kansas folks. I don't understand why it's everyone's initial reaction to reference a 1930's Judy Garland film. When I meet someone from Seattle I don't make some cheesy Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks joke. Or when I'm introduced to a New Yorker, I don't ask if Carrie Bradshaw ever found true love.

I don't mean to bash on "The Wizard of Oz." It's a great movie. Classic film. But seriously, people...the comedy routine is unnecessary, outdated, and and quite often irritating. To avoid ridicule, I tested out confessing I was from Alaska on a customer at work. Well, that didn't accomplish anything. It invited far too many questions and I ended up revealing I had only lived there the past two years....six months at a time. He quickly lost interest until I told him I was originally from Kansas. His response? "What's Dorthy doing in Alaska? Training Toto for the Iditarod?" I'm not even joking.

The way I see it, I have two options...

1.) Accept my heritage. Embrace the jokes with a phony smile and churned stomach. (Dramatic.)


2.) Say I'm from South Dakota. It's boring. No one knows anything about it. Doesn't invite questions.

"Hi. My name is Alex. I'm from South Dakota."


  1. I don't even think you can call yourself a true Kansan if you can't spell Dorothy correctly. so south dakota works for you.

  2. I think the bigger problem might be that when people think of Kansas the first thing that comes to mind is a 1930s Judy Garland film...

    I feel your pain though. The Alaska/Kansas combo is unfortunate.

  3. Tell them you're actually Amelia Earhart, and you intentionally landed in Alaska while faking a crash in the Pacific, solely in order to avoid hearing one more stupid Oz joke.
